
Showing posts from June 17, 2018

Remembering my mother, one year after her death!

Hey Ma, Two weeks ago I had a dream of you- not the first one but one of the most significant ones since you have been gone. In the dream, you were glowing and very happy.   You were walking alongside my little sister Joy who was oblivious of your presence. She looked sad but was trying to be strong and there you were walking right beside her as she carried a candle in her hand. You and i saw each other and you smiled at me and I kept shouting mummy, mummy, mummy and you came briefly to my corner in the church where I was helping a little boy arrange his presentation and you hugged me but I didn’t feel your physical hug but the warmth in my heart….i cannot describe the feeling I got but it was one of reassurance and contentment. Then you said to me: I have sorted the matters and I have to go now! This whole time, I knew you had died but I was okay with the strangeness of the dream just so I can hear your voice and see your face. In the dream, a strange man