God's children don't have to ever beg or worry about what they should eat/drink/wear

May I never forget this anchor!

We all want to get higher in life. We all want to be recognized for what we do. We look up to people who have seemingly made it in life/have what we want.
We read books  to help us see what those in the limelight have achieved and how they achieved it.

Some of us want to take the shortest cut possible and get quick rewards. We want that house, that car, that dream job and the dream family. So we try copying and pasting what other people have done to get higher and we still fail.

We get frustrated and confused. We sometimes become angry at life and at God because we think we have done all we need to do and nothing is working.

Some people seem to get it for a while and it all comes tumbling down and we ask ourselves, if so and so has failed as good and strong as they are, what about me who is not as strong? Then we lose hope and focus and consequently lose our faith and our hope in God and then it all becomes meaningless.

When we moved to Zambia as a family almost 2 years ago, it was a miracle in itself and settling in was a little hectic and then we later adopted 3 more kids and the journey became heavier.
I started doing life in my strength ….trying so hard to make sure we become a strong unit. The bills obviously sky rocked and life started becoming hectic. Worry started closing in. questions like “God do you still see us?” started rolling out of my mouth.

God reminded me of my place in Him and the one true thing that has worked to promote me, raise me up in society, helped me have that life that I always wanted to have over the years.

While society says “work hard, read these books, stay focused, get into the right circles, make the right connections etc” and yes, these things are important but they come as added advantage following the scripture below.

God said to me: Matthew 6:31-33
“So, don’t worry about these things saying “what will we eat, drink and wear? These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers but your heavenly father already knows all your needs.
Seek the kingdom of God above all else and live righteously and he will give you everything you need”

This narrows it down for me.
He reminded me that all the seasons that have been great in my life - have actually come out of me sincerely seeking Him first and living righteously. (private time with him as daughter and father! not communal seeking God)

This week, I am focusing on aligning myself with God. Letting go of my selfish and sinful ways that have built up over the last 2 years as I tried to live in my strength and forgot about his instruction over my life.
I pray for each one of you that reads this blog: that you will be able to seek God first and live in His righteousness and watch God do amazing things in your lives.

 May i never forget. 

This will help anchor each one of us and remove the need to compare ourselves to other people. In spending time with Him we also discover what He created us for - our individual mark on earth.


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